Shipping | All orders are shipped directly from our factory in Spain either by UPS,FEDEX Or DHL and takes about 5-10 working days to reach you. If the product is custom made OR out of stock this can take from 35-65 days(depending on the style) to be delivered-Stock availability is shown on the product page at the time of ordering but sometimes the product may not be in stock-If this happens we will notify you of expected delivery date by email. As a general rule, the packages are shipped within 24 hours upon receipt of payment with tracking and delivery details. |
Shipping | All orders are shipped directly from our factory in Spain either by UPS,FEDEX Or DHL and takes about 5-10 working days to reach you. If the product is custom made OR out of stock this can take from 35-65 days(depending on the style) to be delivered-Stock availability is shown on the product page at the time of ordering but sometimes the product may not be in stock-If this happens we will notify you of expected delivery date by email. As a general rule, the packages are shipped within 24 hours upon receipt of payment with tracking and delivery details. |

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